Mental Health Medical Care

Painful feelings such as anxiety, anger, depression, low self-esteem, and tension are a normal part of being human and can affect anyone. Sometimes these feelings are temporary and can be eased by rest, relaxation, exercise, good nutrition, and support of trusted friends. At other times, stressors, relationships, or past family experiences cannot be managed so easily and become overwhelming. When this happens and you find it hard to function, you may want to seek professional help.

At Health Services, mental health diagnosis, treatment and medication management is available from doctors, nurse practitioners, and psychiatrists. Tele-health Zoom appointments are available.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides counseling services for mental health care for St. Thomas undergraduate and graduate students. To schedule an appointment call (651) 962-6750, or walk into the Center for Well-Being to make an in-person appointment.

Schedule an Appointment

Call the Center for Well-Being at (651) 962-6750 to schedule an appointment.


Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students

Location and Hours

St. Paul Campus or Virtual

M-F, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm


Health Services and Psychiatric visits: Billed to insurance

Counseling and Psychological Services visits: Free