Assessment of Psychological and Learning Difficulties

The Center for Well-Being offers assessments for students concerned about their well-being, executive functioning, learning and memory, and academic performance. Struggles in these domains can be indicative of conditions such as:

  • Specific Learning Disorders: disorders associated with impaired performance in specific subjects or tasks, such as reading, writing, or working with numbers.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): a disorder that makes it difficult for a person to pay attention and control impulsive behaviors.
  • Mood Disorders: mental health conditions that can impact learning and concentration such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • Substance Abuse: use of alcohol, cannabis, or other substances that impacts daily functioning and causes negative consequences in a student’s life
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: effects of acute or chronic traumatic experiences that impact emotions, relationships, memory, and attention

* Symptoms of Specific Learning Disorders and ADHD appear early in life, but some people may not recognize the signs and symptoms until they are at college. 

Other times, student struggles reflect untreated sleep or physical health concerns, the impacts of historical giftedness/high intellectual capacity, or difficulty with the adjustment to college. Thorough assessment by a well-qualified professional can help students better understand the root of their struggles, capitalize on strengths, and identify steps for change.

Assessment Information

Assessment typically involves 3 appointments.

Intake Appointment (1 hour)

This appointment is to assess if your symptoms meet initial criteria for any of the disorders listed above. You will meet with a trained psychologist to review your background and answer specific questions about your history of concerns in school, daily tasks, and other activities. The psychologist may also ask questions about individual or family history of learning and mental health concerns. At the end of this appointment, the psychologist will either recommend a formal assessment or recommend other options to treat your concerns

Completing an intake appointment does not guarantee that testing will be recommended or that you will receive a specific diagnosis. Additionally, testing may be recommended, but delayed, if there recently have been potentially confounding events (e.g., a traumatic event, medication change, onset of health concerns, severe substance use) in your life. 

Testing Session (4-6 hours) 

You will meet with the psychologist who will administer multiple tests designed to test cognition, attention, memory, executive functioning, and other aspects of psychological functioning. The psychologist may also request to speak with people who know you well outside of St. Thomas, such as a parent, childhood friend, or teacher. The actual cost is determined by the number of tests and length of time spent administering the tests.   

Assessment Results Session (1 hour) 

You will meet with the psychologist who will share the results of the assessment and provide recommendations for treatment and management of your concerns. You will also receive a detailed report outlining findings and recommendations.  

Billing and Insurance

  • Each appointment has a separate fee based upon the specific service.
  • You will be billed for each service.
  • You will be billed for the Intake Appointment whether you engage in the formal psychological testing or not.
  • If you choose to use your health insurance benefits, the Center for Well-Being will submit a claim to your insurance for payment.
  • You are financially responsible for any or all portion of the assessment not covered by your insurance benefits.
  • Any cost you incur will be billed to your St. Thomas Account.

Appointment Scheduling

Contact the Center for Well-Being at (651) 962-6750 to schedule an initial appointment.

Schedule an Appointment

Call (651) 962-6750 to schedule an initial assessment.


By appointment only

Location and Hours

Center for Well-Being

Monday - Friday

8am - 4:30 pm


Billed to Insurance

  • Initial appointment (1 hour): $200
  • Formal assessment (4-6 hours): $700 - $1,000
  • Assessment results session (1 hour): included with assessment