Parking Policies
Bringing a vehicle on campus is a privilege and not a right. Parking and driving on St. Thomas property are permitted in accordance with the regulations and information contained within the St. Paul Parking Guide and Minneapolis Parking Guide, along with this website.
Everyone operating a vehicle on campus should observe all city and university traffic and parking regulations. Vehicle operators must drive safely and give pedestrians the right of way at all times.
Right to Ticket & Tow
The University of St. Thomas reserves the right to ticket and/or tow any vehicle in violation of established parking regulations at the owner's expense. This includes the right to collect any fines or fees associated with the ticketing and/or towing of a vehicle. In addition, persistent violators may have their parking privileges revoked.
Parking at Your Own Risk
While surveillance cameras have been installed on campus, the university assumes no responsibility for care of, damage to, and/or protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time while it is operated or parked on campus. All vehicles should be locked when left unattended and valuables should be removed.
Parking Guides
To assist in understanding the topic of parking and transportation at St. Thomas, these parking guides review parking and alternative transportation options, as well as all policies, procedures and regulations. Regulations contained within these guides are subject to change at any time, without notice, as new parking issues may arise throughout the year. Every effort will be made to update this brochure and notify the community of any changes.
To be parked legally on property owned by St. Thomas, you must purchase a valid St. Thomas parking permit, and register and associate any vehicle to be parked on campus to an active parking permit, or pay to park in visitor parking areas.
To qualify for a parking permit you must have a valid St. Thomas picture identification card and must be engaging in St. Thomas related business or events. Purchasing a permit does not guarantee a parking space and a lack of parking is not a valid excuse for any violation of parking regulations.
Highlighted Parking Policies
The following policies apply to all St. Thomas issued permits.
Vehicle Registration Required
Parking enforcement on the St. Thomas campus is conducted through license plate recognition. All vehicles parking on campus, in association with a parking permit, must be registered in the parking management system and associated to the current parking permit. Failing to register a vehicle, or attach it to a parking permit, may result in a parking citation.
Transfer of Permit or Contract and Temporary Permits
Multiple vehicles may be used in association with faculty/staff and commuter permits. However, all vehicles parked on campus must be registered within the parking management system and to the parking permit.
Permit Refunds for Employees
If an employee terminates employment prior to the end of spring semester, payroll deductions will end with employment. Payroll deductions will not end and refunds will not be granted for any other reason except termination of employment or an unpaid leave of absence.
Permit Refunds for Students
Permit refunds will be issued only upon withdrawal from the University or to resident students who become commuter students. Refunds will not be issued for any other reasons. In order to receive a full or partial refund for a parking permit, the permit holder must provide either proof of withdrawal from all current classes or proof that he/she has moved off campus. Full refunds will be issued only if the permit is cancelled before the end of the second week of classes for fall and spring semester, or before the end of the first week of classes in J-Term. If cancelling your permit after these deadlines, partial refunds will be issued on a prorated schedule.
Resale of Permit and/or Contract
Permits may be sold only by the Department of Public Safety and may not be offered for resale or exchange by anyone.
Parking permits are not required in most St. Paul surface lots during the summer (June to August).
All other parking regulations will continue to be enforced. These include: overnight parking, unauthorized parking in restricted spaces, no parking zones, loading docks, 15-minute zones, handicap spaces, and fire lanes.
Snow and Ice Removal and Lot Repairs
During times of snow removal or lot repairs, vehicles will not be allowed to park in the areas to be cleaned or repaired. Notices will be posted in the residence halls and at lot entrances. Vehicles hindering snow removal or lot repairs after posted notice are subject to ticketing and towing at the owner's expense.
Questions concerning snow removal or lot repairs should be directed to the Parking and Transportation Services. If a vehicle is left in a campus lot during winter break, prior approval from Parking and Transportation Services is needed and the owner is responsible for arrangements to have it moved should snow removal be necessary.
Note: St. Thomas is not responsible for damage resulting from towing.
On occasion, special events on campus may require the closure or partial closure of a parking lot or ramp. On these occasions, notices will be posted in the residence halls and at lot entrances. Vehicles found parking in violation of these closures will be ticketed and/or towed.
Some spaces on the St. Paul campus require a special permit during designated times (e.g. Admissions, Development, etc.). Outside of the times when special permits are required, a St. Thomas permit is required. All surface lot spaces, with the exception of 15-minutes zones, require a permit from 10 p.m. Sunday until 6 p.m. Friday.
St. Thomas has limited parking and cannot allow space to be used as storage for unwanted or abandoned vehicles.
Vehicles (even those with valid permits) parked in St. Thomas lots shall be moved within two days or shall be deemed abandoned and may be ticketed and/or towed, unless specifically authorized by the Parking and Transportation Services office.
The University of St. Thomas reserves the right to ticket and/or tow any vehicle in violation of established parking regulations at the owner's expense. This includes the right to collect any fines or fees associated with the ticketing and/or towing of a vehicle. In addition, persistent violators may have their parking privileges revoked.
Citations issued to students and faculty/staff will be directly charged to an accounts receivable account through the Business Office.
Read about Parking Tickets and Citations
Vehicles parking on St. Thomas property, with multiple unpaid citations, are subject to towing. Continued and blatant disregard for St. Thomas parking regulations is unacceptable and subject to ticketing and towing. Vehicles whose owner cannot be identified through motor vehicle records or whose owner is not a current student or employee may be towed without notice at the driver's expense ($40 Immobilization Processing Fee) any time the vehicle is found parked on the university campus. In addition, if the operator is found to be a student, unpaid tickets will be billed to the student's account and a financial hold may be placed on the student's record until all outstanding fines are paid, thus preventing registration and access to transcripts.
Vehicles are subject to towing and/or fines at any time for any of the following violations:
Snow emergencies may be declared by the city of St. Paul; please call 651-266-PLOW (7569) if you are unsure where to park. If you are parked on a city street during the snow emergency, your vehicle may be subject to ticketing and towing. City of St. Paul Snow Emergency information including winter parking rules.
Please be aware that due to snow removal needs on campus, parking in St. Thomas lots during city snow emergencies is NOT allowed unless otherwise posted by Public Safety.