Eid is a sacred time of celebration and prayers in Islam. Muslims celebrate three Eids each year. See below for more information.
About Eid
Eid Mawlid an Nabi
(SalAllah o Alaeihei Wa Alehei Wassallam)
This is the celebration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad peace be Upon. This takes place on the 12th day of Rabee ul Awwal Sharif (the third month) of Islamic calendar. St. Thomas celebrates this day by hosting a lecture on the lessons of peace, interfaith co-existence, and minority rights from the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him.
Eid al Fitr
Hajj & Eid ad Duha
Eid Mawlid an Nabi
Eid Mawlid an Nabi
(SalAllah o Alaeihei Wa Alehei Wassallam)
This is the celebration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad peace be Upon. This takes place on the 12th day of Rabee ul Awwal Sharif (the third month) of Islamic calendar. St. Thomas celebrates this day by hosting a lecture on the lessons of peace, interfaith co-existence, and minority rights from the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him.