Education Minors

Program Overview

Some students who cannot complete the entire Teacher Education licensure program in four years may decide to complete the coursework to meet the requirements of the content major and come back to complete their licensure requirements on the graduate level. Declaring a minor in Teacher Education would designate this on their transcript and also be beneficial for them as they seek employment. All courses must be a 2.75 GPA or higher. This minor is also available to any undergraduate student who completes the required courses with the approval of the Chair of Teacher Education. While the minor alone does not complete the requirements for teaching licensure, the remaining courses, field experience, and clinical practice may be completed at the graduate level through the Department of Teacher Education.

Teacher Education Minor

Students wishing to complete the Teacher Education minor must complete the following courses (20 credits):

  • EDUC 210 Education's Place in Society and Field (4 credits)
  • EDUC 211 Field Experience I: Exploration (0 credits)
  • EDUC 330 Psychology for Teaching & Learning (4 credits)
  • EDUC 332 Field Experience II: Learning & Teaching (0 credits)
  • EDUC 329 Diverse Learners and Families (4 credits)
  • EDUC 355 Reading for the 5-12 Teacher OR EDUC 350 Language Dev, Literacy & Literature (4 credits)
  • One elective (4 credits) selected in consultation with the Chair of Teacher Education

Special Education students have a different required course list.

Recommended courses include:

  • SPUG 450 Survey of Exceptionality
  • EDUC 327 Engineering in the P-12 Classroom
  • EDUC 361 Language and Culture for Academic Development
  • SOCI 110 Social Problems
  • PSYC 200 Infancy and Childhood
  • PSYC 202 Lifespan Development
  • PSYC 203 Psychology of Adolescence
  • COJO 220 Interpersonal Communication

Completion of Assessment at Transition Points I and II

ESL Education Minor (22 cr)

*Please note, this minor is no longer accepting new students.

The number of people in the United States whose first language is not English is increasing rapidly. Those who are seeking teaching licensure, whether at the elementary, middle/secondary or K-12 level, may choose a minor in ESL Education to provide a base of knowledge in how to work with students who are learning English.

This minor may also be useful for those pursuing other people/service related majors, such as social work, psychology, English, communications, etc., since these fields may also require work with people whose first language may not be English.

Courses required in this minor:

  • EDUC 358 Additional Language Acquisition for Diverse Learners (4 credits)
  • EDUC 361 Language and Culture for Academic Development (4 credits)
  • EDUC 363 Introduction to Linguistics for Teachers of Diverse Learners (4 credits)
  • EDUC 364 Literacy and Oral Language Development for Diverse Learners (4 credits)
  • EDUC 368 Testing and Assessment for Diverse Learners (2 credits)
  • EDUC 378 Grammar Instruction for Diverse Learners (4 credits)

Special Education Exceptionalities Minor (20 cr)

This minor supports the development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions for those adult learners who will be facilitating the learning and development of preschoolers/children/youth with disabilities, giftedness or other areas of diversity. This minor is an option for undergraduates who are teacher education majors, and those in related fields who want to expand their knowledge and skills with children/youth with disabilities and exceptionalities.

Courses required (12 credits):

  • SPUG 414 Collaboration Skills for School Professionals (4 credits)
  • SPUG 450 Survey of Exceptionality (4 credits)
  • SPUG 485 Behavior Management (4 credits)

Choose two additional courses from the following (8 credits):

  • SPUG 416: Fundamentals for Students with Mild to Moderate Needs (4 credits)
  • SPUG 419 Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Interventions (4 credits)
  • SPUG 421 Introduction to the Education of Twice Exceptional and Underserved GCT Learners (4 credits)
  • SPUG 478: Fundamentals for Preschoolers (4 credits)