Computer Sciences

Program Overview

College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Computer and Information Sciences

O'Shaughnessy Science Hall (OSS) 402, (651) 962-5470

Sawin (chair), Akram, Bowe, Dwyer, Hardt, Hoefer, Jimenez, Marrinan, Miracle, Salisbury, Werness, and Yilek

In recognition of the ubiquitous nature of computing and the importance of being able to analyze data in the modern world, the Computer and Information Sciences department offers majors in Computer Science (BS) and Data Science (BS).

Computer Science majors develop the knowledge and skills required to design and build software and to create efficient solutions to real-world problems. Our major is designed to develop well-rounded students who can succeed in the challenging and continually changing field of technology. Our curriculum includes a wide variety of cutting-edge topics including, software design and implementation, computer architecture, database design, algorithms, computer networking, computer security, and artificial intelligence. Our graduates have started their careers in prominent local, national, and international businesses, as well as government organizations.Others have gone on to pursue careers in academia at top-ranked universities.

The Data Science major is offered through a joint program between CISC and the Mathematics department. The curriculum of this program is oriented toward real-world applications of data science and analytics and the development of skills in statistical problem solving and modeling, statistical software use and programming, data mining and machine learning, and the communication of analytical results to diverse audiences. Graduates of the Data Science major are fully prepared to apply their knowledge and skills in myriad careers and graduate programs, including those found in business and marketing, the health sciences, education, government, and the social and behavioral sciences.

The department encourages Computer Science and Data Science majors to obtain a minor in a complementary discipline. Students interested in teacher licensure should see the various science and mathematics programs in the Department of Teacher Education section of this catalog. A dual undergraduate degree program with Engineering is also available, which is described in the catalog section under School of Engineering. Additionally, we offer a fast track to a Masters in the Department of Software Engineering & Data Science.

Senior Residency

Students majoring in computer science must have a minimum of 32 credits of CISC/DASC courses from St. Thomas. Computer Science minors need a minimum of 12 CISC/DASC credits from St. Thomas.

Major in Computer Science (B.S.)

Computer Science is a foundation for many different computing careers. Computer scientists design and build software and create efficient solutions to real-world problems in such fields as artificial intelligence, computer architecture, software engineering, and computer security.

Required courses:

  • CISC 131* (or CISC 130*) Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving (4 credits)
  • CISC 230* Object-Oriented Design and Programming (4 credits)
  • CISC 231* Data Structures Using Object-Oriented Design (4 credits)
  • CISC 340* Computer Architecture (4 credits)
  • CISC 350* Information Security (4 credits)
  • CISC 380* Algorithms (4 credits)
  • CISC 480* Senior Capstone (4 credits)
  • DASC 120* (or DASC 112)* Introduction to Computational Statistics (4 credits)

*Note: A grade of C- or above must be earned by majors in these courses.

Note: CISC 131 is recommended for this major

Plus 16 credits from the following:

  • CISC 259 Creative Coding (4 credits)
  • CISC 310 Operating Systems (4 credits)
  • CISC 342 Computers in Experimental Sciences (4 credits)
  • CISC 369 Computer Science Research (2-4 credits))
  • CISC 370 Computer Networking (4 credits)
  • CISC 375 Web Development (4 credits)
  • CISC 401 Approved Study Abroad Course (2-4 credits)
  • CISC 402 Approved Study Abroad Course (2-4 credits)
  • CISC 403 Approved Study Abroad Course (2-4 credits)
  • CISC 404 Approved Study Abroad Course (2-4 credits)
  • CISC 405 Approved Study Abroad Course (2-4 credits)
  • CISC 410 Advanced Information Security (4 credits)
  • CISC 420 Computer Graphics (4 credits)
  • CISC 440 Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (4 credits)
  • CISC 450 Database Design I (4 credits)
  • CISC 451 Database Design II (4 credits)
  • CISC 489 Topics (4 credits)
  • CISC 490 Topics (4 credits)
  • DASC 360 Multivariate Statistics and Data Analysis (4 credits)
  • DASC 400 Data Mining and Machine Learning (4 credits)

Allied Requirements:

  • MATH 113* Calculus I (or MATH 109* or MATH 112*) (4 credits)
  • DASC 240 Applied Regression Analysis (or MATH 114 Calculus II) (4 credits)
  • MATH 128* Introduction to Discrete Mathematics (4 credits)

*Note: A grade of C- or above must be earned by majors in these courses.

Note: DASC 240 is recommended for this major. 


Fast Track to a Masters in Graduate Programs in Software (with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science)

St. Thomas undergraduate students interested in the Fast Track/Graduate Programs in Software (GPS) Master of Science must complete four GPS courses while pursuing their degree. For each graduate-level course(^) listed below, students are required to earn a minimum grade of C-.

After completing their undergraduate degree (minimum 2.7 GPA), students apply to one Master's program: Software Engineering, Software Management, Information Technology, or Data Science. Fast Track students are required to take an additional eight graduate courses (24 credits) to meet the Master's degree requirement of 12 courses (36 credits).

Minor in Computer Science

20 credits

  • CISC 131* (or CISC 130) Intro Programming and Problem Solving (4 credits)
  • CISC 230* Object-Oriented Design and Programming (4 credits)
  • CISC 231 Data Structures Using Object-Oriented Design (4 credits)
  • Any additional 4-credit CISC course numbered 300 or above.
*Note: A grade of C- or above must be earned by minors in these required courses 

Plus four additional credits from the following electives:

  • Any additional CISC course(s) numbered 200 or above (totaling 4 credits)
  • BIOL 464 Bioinformatics (4 credits)
  • DIMA 346 Game Production (4 credits)
  • DIMA 358 Writing/Designing for the Web (4 credits)
  • ENTR 371 Silicon Valley & Entr Thinking (4 credits)
  • ENGR 230 Digital Design (4 credits)
  • ENGR 331 Designing with Microprocessors (4 credits)
  • ENGL 294 Writing Video Games (4 credits)
  • GEOG 421Applied Geographic Info Sys (4 credits)
  • MATH 315 Applied Math & Modeling I (4 credits)
  • MATH 316 Applied Math & Modeling II (4 credits)
  • MATH 385 Math Meths/Numerical Anal (4 credits)
  • NSCI 340 Computational Neuroscience (4 credits)
  • PHIL 220 Logic (4 credits)
  • PHYS 323 Methods of Exp. Physics (4 credits)
  • PHYS 325 Methods of Comp. Physics (4 credits)
  • DASC 336 Data Comm and Visualization (4 credits)
  • DASC 360 Multivariate Statistics and Data Analysis (4 credits)
  • DASC 400 Data Mining & Machine Learning (4 credits)
  • STCM 346 Digital Content and Strategy (4 credits)

Students should choose an elective course appropriate to their major field of study or area of interest in consultation with the department chair or a member of the CISC department faculty. Note that elective courses may have additional pre-requisites.

Major or Minor in Statistics

This is an interdisciplinary major in the department of Mathematics and Computer and Information Sciences. This joint major allows students to pursue an interest in mathematical statistics, applied statistics, and related areas including biostatistics, operations research, and data mining. In addition, there are two minors, one in Applied Statistics and one in Mathematical Statistics.

See Statistics

Teacher Licensure

Elementary Education with a co-major in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics for Elementary Education

See Education

Computer & Information Sciences Undergraduate Courses
