Shared Educational Resources
These opportunities include synchronous or asynchronous on-line classes, joint research projects, and other ways we collaborate with partners beyond faculty and student mobility.
International partnerships include a variety of relationships. These can range from faculty-level agreements to partner institutions covering opportunities such as student or faculty exchanges, contractual services, and shared educational resources.
Check out a few types of international partnerships
These opportunities include synchronous or asynchronous on-line classes, joint research projects, and other ways we collaborate with partners beyond faculty and student mobility.
From teaching courses abroad to hosting visiting international faculty/staff, and providing international internship opportunities, we have helped faculty and students accomplish partnerships all over the world.
Our international partnerships are often secured by a contract or a memorandum of understanding between the two parties. St. Thomas administrators, faculty, and staff looking to create an international contract should review the International Contracts page on OneSt.Thomas, an internal site that requires a St. Thomas username and password.
Individuals who are outside of St. Thomas, and seeking to internationally contract, should complete the international partnership interest survey.
As a leading Catholic Studies institution, St. Thomas is participating in several agreements to help the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy, start a U.S. Catholic Studies collaborative program. The program is aimed to educate University students within a consortium of five to seven U.S. institutions.
Designed specifically for the German and Engineering dual degree program, this full-year program in Germany allows students to take one semester of coursework at TU Darmstadt and one semester of a paid internship with an engineering company in German-speaking Europe or additional coursework and a research opportunity at TU Darmstadt.
The GHR Fellows program is a transformational undergraduate experience for students pursuing careers in business. GHR Fellows receive customized programming designed to deliver leadership experiences - including global exposure though a full-funded J-Term study abroad experience.
As a leading Catholic Studies institution, St. Thomas is participating in several agreements to help the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy, start a U.S. Catholic Studies collaborative program. The program is aimed to educate University students within a consortium of five to seven U.S. institutions.
Designed specifically for the German and Engineering dual degree program, this full-year program in Germany allows students to take one semester of coursework at TU Darmstadt and one semester of a paid internship with an engineering company in German-speaking Europe or additional coursework and a research opportunity at TU Darmstadt.
The GHR Fellows program is a transformational undergraduate experience for students pursuing careers in business. GHR Fellows receive customized programming designed to deliver leadership experiences - including global exposure though a full-funded J-Term study abroad experience.
When completing the International Partnership Interest form, be sure to consider: