Students participate in an LLC poster board event

Science Discovery Scholars Living Learning Community​

Students considering Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Geology, Mathematics, Neuroscience and Physics majors can join this immersive experience that aims to smooth the college transition by connecting students with shared interests, building relationships with faculty outside of the classroom and providing multiple layers of support.

The Science Discovery Scholars Living Learning Community is designed to foster a community of science-minded individuals, providing networking and relationship-building opportunities with classmates paired with support and guidance from outstanding faculty and staff in the College of Arts and Sciences.

**First-Year students who are NSF Discovery Scholars are required to participate in this LLC.**

Hall Location Dowling Hall

PHIL 110: The Person and the Good

FYEX 100: Foundations for College Success


Jerry Husak;

Jason Sawin;

First Year Experience Meets the Learning Community requirement under FYE
Core Area Courses

Philosophy & Theology

Academic Major/Minor




Computer Science

Environmental Science



LLC Capacity This LLC is limited to 24 students

Sample LLC Events

Sample LLC Events: While LLC events vary from year to year, here are some examples of recent LLC events. LLC students are expected to attend at least 4 events or activities over the course of their fall semester to meet their learning community requirement.
  • Group Escape Rooms
  • Visit to the Science Museum
  • Visit to Boston Scientific
  • Meet your Mentor Research Panel