Placement Assessments

Welcome to the St. Thomas placement assessment website, new Tommies!

Grounded in our convictions of personal attention and academic excellence, the placement process is designed to help assess your academic preparation and ensure that your enrollment in your first semester sets you up for success.

In order to help you register for the right classes – courses that you are best prepared for and that advance your progress toward your degree – you may need to complete placement assessments in some of the subjects below. Whether or not you need to take assessments is based on a number of factors, so be sure to read the information below carefully.

Completing Placement Assessments

***Please note, you will see a customized list of recommended placements immediately after completing the course preference form. WRITE THIS LIST DOWN. If you choose to save and continue at a later time, the list of placements will no longer be customized to you but you can still see all the options below.

To log in to the online placement assessment process:

  1. Return to your application portal (links to an external site)
  2. Scroll down to the Enrollment Services Checklist in the center column (where you completed the housing preference or exception request)
  3. Click on "Placement Assessments"
  4. Select the assessments listed for you on the final page of the course preference form
  5. Read all instructions carefully
  6. Complete the assessments by Wednesday, June 5, 2023.

Please contact Disability Resources if you will need any disability accommodations for placement assessments.
(651) 962-6315


Advising and Registration Questions

Academic Counseling
Phone: (651) 962-6300 or (800) 328-6819, Ext. 2-6300

Academic advising is a teaching and learning process that involves students' personal academic records. For this reason, we are required to directly consult with students about their enrollment questions. Parents, family members and/or any other third parties are encouraged to coach students about this advising conversation but they should not communicate on behalf of their student.