
Program Overview

School of Education

Minneapolis Opus Hall (MOH) 207, (651) 962-4980

Debbie Monson, PH.D. (Chair), Liz Fogarty, Ph.D., Lucy Payne, Ph.D., Chelda Smith, Ph.D., Muffet Trout Ph.D.

Note: The University of St. Thomas School of Education programs are in alignment with Minnesota state licensure regulations. Changes in state regulations could affect the programs described below. Please maintain contact with the Department of Teacher Education for the most current information.

The University of St. Thomas School of Education offers a full range of undergraduate and graduate programs for persons who wish to teach in elementary, middle, and secondary school settings. Candidates who become educators through the Department are part of a proud tradition that goes back over three-quarters of a century, completing programs that embrace the liberal arts, emphasize ethical practice, and prepare creative, reflective educators dedicated to the success of all learners. Current programs are offered within the School of Education's mission:

Inspired by Catholic intellectual tradition, the University of St. Thomas School of Education educates practitioners to be morally responsible leaders who think critically, act wisely and work skillfully to advance the common good.

Programs are designed to meet or exceed Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board licensure requirements.

Because of the number of required courses and the options available, it is suggested that students considering an education degree contact a department adviser as early as possible in their college career. Ongoing state licensure rule changes make careful planning particularly important. Current Teacher Education students can view specific policies on department Canvas site.

Admission to the Program

Students apply for admission to the program while enrolled in EDUC 210. Criteria for admission to the education program include:

  • Cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 for all credits earned at UST

Retention in the Program

Students accepted into the program must:

  • Maintain a 2.75 GPA
  • Earn a grade of C or better in all education courses
  • Earn a grade of C- or better for all content area and allied content courses required for licensure
  • Demonstrate ability to consistently exhibit all professional dispositions
  • Show evidence of satisfactory field experiences
  • Successfully complete program Assessments at Transition Points

The department reserves the right to dismiss candidates from the licensure programs based on violations of the professional dispositions standards or unsatisfactory progress toward meeting state-mandated licensure standards.

Block 4 and Clinical Practice (Student Teaching)

In order to take Block 4 courses and participate in Clinical Practice, a candidate needs the following: senior status; successful completion of Assessments at Transition Points; satisfactory completion of all education courses in Blocks 1, 2, and 3 and licensure-related content courses; and satisfactory demonstration of all Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice. World Languages candidates must arrange to pass the Oral Proficiency Interview (based on ACTFL Guidelines). For information regarding this, contact the Field and Clinical Placement Manager in the School of Education.

With Departmental approval, candidates may be able to complete half of their Clinical Practice in an international setting.

Program Completion

Following completion of all program requirements, a candidate may apply for Minnesota state licensure. Many other states offer reciprocal entry licenses for candidates completing our program requirements. Since all states’ requirements are unique, any candidate planning to teach in another state is strongly advised to check with that state in advance to satisfy those requirements.

Education Majors

Education Undergraduate Courses
