Marketing Management

Program Overview

Opus College of Business

Department of Marketing

Sackett (chair), Abendroth, Alexander, Al-Khatib, Bharadwaj, Chernetsky, Giovanelli, Ketron, Lanier, Malshe, Porter, Rexeisen, Sailors, Vuolo

Career options in marketing include marketing research and planning, advertising and public relations, business logistics and physical distribution, retailing, product management and new product development, and sales management.

Students completing the concentration in marketing will be able to critically evaluate the global marketing environment, identify opportunities and problems and be able to understand and apply appropriate concepts and terminology.

Major in Marketing Management

Business Core Courses:

  • BUSN 100: Business for the Common Good (2 credits)
  • ENTR 100: Introduction to Entrepreneurship & Innovation (2 credits)
  • ACCT 100: Principles of Accounting I (4 credits)
  • BUSN 200: Business Learning Through Service (0 credit)
  • ACCT 200: Principles of Accounting II (2 credits)
  • OPMT 200: Operations & Supply Chain Management (2 credits)
  • FINC 310: Core Financial Management (2 credits)
  • MKTG 200: Introduction to Marketing (2 credits)
  • MGMT 200: Working Skillfully in Organizations (2 credits)
  • BLAW 300: Law for Business Leaders I (2 credits)
  • BETH 300: Ethical Principles in Business (2 credits)

Note: The required core business courses (BUSN 100, ENTR 100, ACCT 100, ACCT 200, BUSN 200, FINC 310, OPMT 200, MKTG 200, MGMT 200, BETH 300, BLAW 300) must be completed by the end of the sophomore year. Transfer students who have not had an equivalent course must complete these courses by the end of their first semester, junior year.

Elective Courses in Business Core:

  • Eight credits from undergraduate courses with designations ACCT / BETH / BLAW / BUAN / BUID / ENTR / FINC / IBUS / MGMT / MKTG / OPMT / REAL. These credits may not fulfill any required concentration credits unless you have more than one business concentration. These credits may be taken in courses within the department of the student's business concentration. Transfer credits with these designations must be at the 300 level or above.

Concentration Courses:

  • MKTG 201: Application in Marketing (2 credits)
  • MKTG 340 Marketing Research (4 credits)
  • MKTG 370 Consumer Behavior (4 credits)
  • MKTG 430 Marketing Management (4 credits)
  • BUSN 202 MS Excel Business Applications (0 credits)
  • or CISC 200 Intro to Computer Technology & Business Applications (4 credits)

Plus twelve credits from the following:

  • MKTG 245 Storytelling w/ Business Data (2 credits)
  • MKTG 255 Multicultural and Inclusive Marketing (2 credits)
  • MKTG 310 Professional Selling (4 credits)
  • MKTG 315 Event Management (4 credits)
  • MKTG 320 Integrated Marketing Communications (4 credits)
  • MKTG 330 International Marketing (4 credits)
  • MKTG 345 Marketing Analytics (4 credits)
  • MKTG 350 Marketing Channels and Distribution (4 credits)
  • MKTG 360 Omnichannel Retailing (4 credits)
  • MKTG 375 Product Innovation and Marketing (4 credits)
  • MKTG 380 Digital Marketing (4 credits)
  • MKTG 385 Sport Marketing (4 credits)
  • MKTG 390 Marketing Strategy (4 credits)
  • MKTG 490 Topics (4 credits)
  • MKTG 488 Topics (2 credits)

Allied Requirements:

  • ECON 251 Principles of Macroeconomics (4 credits)
  • ECON 252 Principles of Microeconomics (4 credits)
  • STAT 220 Statistics I (4 credits)
  • BUSN 202 Microsoft Excell Business Applications (0 credits)
  • or CISC 200 Introductory Computer Technology and Business Applications (4 credits)

Note: STAT 220 should be completed by the end of the sophomore year. Transfer students who have not had an equivalent course must complete this course by the end of their first semester, junior year.

Plus four credits from the following:

  • MATH 101 Finite Mathematics (4 credits)
  • MATH 109 Calculus with Review II (4 credits)
  • MATH 111 Calculus for Business and Social Science (4 credits)
  • MATH 113 Calculus I (4 credits)

Note: The math requirement must be completed by the end of the sophomore year.

Plus four credits from the following:

  • COMM 100 Public Speaking (4 credits)
  • COMM 105 Communication in the Workplace (4 credits)
  • COMM 328 Communication to Race and Gender (4 credits)
  • COMM 370 Intercultural Communication (4 credits)
  • ENGL 318 Business Writing (4 credits)

Marketing Undergraduate Courses
