Vatican II on Religious Freedom: European and American Perspectives

The first Hot Topics: Cool Talk luncheon program of the 2012-2013 series.

Date & Time:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM


Free and Open to the Public


Room 235, St. Thomas School of Law

Minneapolis Campus

Bishop Charles Morerod, OP, of the diocese of Fribourg, Lausanne, and Geneva, Switzerland and UST Professor of Law, Fr. Reginald Whitt, OP will address the challenges to religious freedom in a European and American context in the first luncheon program of the 2012-2013 Hot Topics: Cool Talk series.

Bishop Morerod OP holds a doctorate in both Philosophy (Catholic Institute of Toulouse) and Theology (University of Fribourg).  He is the former rector of the Angelicum in Rome and the former Secretary General of the International Theological Commission and Consultor for the Congregation of the Faith.  He is a current member of the Congregation for Catholic Education.

Fr. Reginald Whitt OP holds both a doctorate in Law (Duke University) and doctorate in Canon Law (The Catholic University of America).  He is the former President of the pontifical faculty at the Dominican House of Studies and a founding member of the St. Thomas School of Law Faculty.

The Murphy Institute's Hot Topics: Cool Talk series, which fearlessly explores Catholic positions and other perspectives on provocative issues of law and politics, will focus this year on the many challenges to religious freedom around the world.   For more information about past programs and to see a schedule of upcoming programs, click here.

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