Approaching Equilibrium in Free Exercise of Religion Cases?

4.5 Event Graphic

Featuring Professor Gregory Sisk, School of Law

Date & Time:

Tuesday, April 5, 2022
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM


MSL 244 + Livestream Webinar



The Free Exercise Clause is one of two provisions to the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America concerning religion.  This clause reserves the right of American citizens to hold any religious belief and participate in religious rituals.  The principle of expansive and inclusive religious freedom in the United States, however, has been blemished by a persistent history of inequality and intolerance.  In an ideal religious liberty doctrinal regime, the balance between accommodating religious exercise and upholding important government purposes will shift with the character of the dispute defined by these conflicting interests.  In this program, Professor Gregory Sisk, co-director of the Murphy Institute, will discuss the recent analysis of his continued research in this area. 

1.0 CLE credit approved.  Event code 451057. 

Professor Gregory Sisk, Pio Cardinal Laghi Distinguished Chair in Law, and Murphy Institute Co-director 



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