Sacred Journeys: A Storytelling Workshop, produced by Dylan Fresco

Workshop participants creatively reflect on personal and family histories of migration. Includes acting exercises, writing prompts, and gentle movement. No prior experience necessary.

Date & Time:

Thursday, April 11, 2019
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM





Dylan Fresco (theater artist, poet & musician)


Dylan Fresco (theater artist, poet & musician)

In this 75-minute interactive program, participants will be invited to creatively reflect on personal and family histories of migration. Produced by Dylan Frescoand led by three local writers, this workshop includes acting exercises, writing prompts, and some very gentle movement. No prior experience is necessary, and all students are welcome. 

This workshop is part of Dylan Fresco's week-long artist/teacher-in-residency at St. Thomas, during which time he will give a free and open to the public performance titled "Welcoming The Stranger" & "Christian Privilege": A Jewish Transplant’s Take on Making Minnesota Home on April 9th at noon in ASC 340.

Dylan Fresco is a theater artist, poet and musician who works as a writer, performer, producer, and educator with a diverse array of arts and community partners. In his work, Dylan invites connections between people and communities through story, music, poetry and movement. Dylan has worked locally with the Guthrie, Penumbra, Pillsbury House Theatre, the Children’s Theatre Company, and the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra.  He’s presented his solo plays at colleges and fringe festivals across the country. In addition, Dylan is an experienced facilitator, skilled at creating the space for people to share of themselves and connect with each other.

To make an accessibility request, call Disability Resources at (651) 962-6315.