Workshop 2011: Woman in the Church and in the World

Seminar discussing key Church documents concerning women.

Date & Time:

Thursday, June 30, 2011
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM



Summer Seminar Schedule
June 30 – July 1, 2011

Thursday, June 30

Woman in the Church

8:00  Coffee and Rolls, Lower Level Conference Room, Ireland Library

8:30  Opening Session: Lower Level Conference Room, Ireland Library

• Session Leaders: Deborah Savage, Mary Lemmons
• Introductions and Opening Remarks

o Our aims and context: The Problems Confronting Women and the Key to the Solution 
o Some Foundations:

 Two essential principles of the Church: the Apostolic-Petrine and Marian Principles 
 The Complementary Role of Men and Women in the Church and in the World 
 The Feminine Genius

o Mary as Mother and Model

• Texts for this Session:

o John Paul II, Letter to Women, 1995;  Centesimus Annus, 1991, #53-62 
o Benedict XVI: Homily on the 40th Anniversary of the Close of the Second Vatican Council: On the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, December 2005
o John Paul II, Christifideles laici, 1988, 49 - 52; Mulieris Dignitatem, 1988, #4-6, 10, 17-21; 
o Louis Bouyer, Woman in the Church, 1976, Chapter 2, “God and Woman”

10:15  Break

10:30  Session Two: Mary and the Church, the Priesthood, and the Eucharist

 Session Leader: Fr. Christopher Beaudet 
• Texts for this Session:

o John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, 1987 
o Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Mary, the Church at the Source, 1997, Chapter 3
o John Paul II, Mulieris Dignitatem, 1988, Chapter 7, # 23-30

12:00  Lunch

1:00  Session Three: The Marian Dimension of the Church

• Session Leader: Dr. Stephen Hipp 
• Texts:

o Juan Luis Bastero, Mary, Mother of the Redeemer,2006, Chapter Two, Section 6, pp. 54-62; Chapter 12
o Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Mary, the Church at the Source, 1997, Chapters 1, 2

2:30  Break

2:45  Session Four: The Family as Domestic Church and Cultural Cornerstone

• Session Leader: Mary Lemmons

o John Paul II, Letter to Families, 1994, #2, #6-9; #13-14, 17-20;

 Evangelium Vitae, 1995, 87-105
 Familiaris Consortio, 1981, Chapter Three
 Christifideles laici, 1988, 40-44

4:15  Break

4:30  Closing Remarks: A Look Ahead to Day Two: Deborah Savage

The Mission of the Laity and the Church’s Social Vision
• Texts:

o John Paul II, Christifideles laici, 1988, 14-20 
o John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, 1995, 99

5:15  Wine and Cheese Reception

6:30  Close 

Friday, July 1
Woman in the World

8:00  Holy Mass, St. Mary’s Chapel, SPSSOD

Coffee and rolls will be available in the Ireland Library, Lower Level Conference Room immediately following the Mass

9:00  Session Six: Contemplation in Action:

Part One, Women, Human Work, and Economic Life
• Session Leader, Jeanne Buckeye
• Text: Compendium of Catholic Social Thought, 2005 Chapter 6, pp. 120 – 131; Chapter 7

10:30  Break

10:45  Session Seven: Contemplation in Action: Part Two: Women and the Political Community

• Session Leader: Teresa Collett
• Text: Compendium of Catholic Social Thought, 2005, Chapter 8

12:15 General Discussion: Implications for Action
1:00  Closing Prayer 

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