UST in the News

Here’s a roundup of recent St. Thomas mentions of interest in various media. Read the stories by clicking on the links. Links expire and change as papers move stories to “archive” status. If a link has expired, you’re welcome to purchase access to the stories or use a search engine such as Lexis Nexis, available on the UST Libraries’ website. In some cases, you’ll need to register on the publication’s website in order to access the full text.

The list below is by no means exhaustive. If you see a story about St. Thomas and would like us to include mention of it, be sure to drop us a note at

“Record Arctic Ice Melt Threatens Global Security,” AlertNet, Sept. 15, 2011. “All the analysis and commentary about safety and security on the tenth anniversary of 9/11 ignored by far the biggest ongoing threat to global security: climate change.”

“Sales Up, Prices Down in Twin Cities Real Estate Market,” KSTP, Sept. 16, 2011. “It should have been the prime season for selling a house in the metro … But the latest numbers for the 13-county Twin Cities market show that while more homes are being sold, the median-sale price has dropped during July and August.”

“How Relics Connect People to Community of Saints,” American Catholic, Sept. 16, 2011. “A saint's lock of hair, bone shards, a vial of blood, even a severed hand whose discolored fingers curl in a macabre way are venerated by many members of the Catholic Church.”

“Access to 'suspicious-activity' reports now restricted after MOA security details revealed,” Minnesota Public Radio, Sept. 16, 2011. “Minnesota's public safety commissioner has quietly restricted so-called "suspicious-activity reports" from public scrutiny, a move that came after news organizations collected data on the Mall of America's counterterrorism program.”

“Dismal picture of racial disparities in employment in the Twin Cities,” Star Tribune, Sept. 16, 2011. “For about five hours on Thursday, the Minnesota Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights took testimony on the subject of “racial disparities in unemployment in the Twin Cities” at the University of St. Thomas Law School in downtown Minneapolis.”

“Twin Cities housing index flat for August,” Star Tribune, Sept. 16, 2011. “A new Twin Cities real estate index shows the median sale price of Twin Cities homes dropped in August, a time of year when sales are typically more robust.”

“Catholic universities, colleges rank well in 2012 US News annual best list,” Catholic News Service, Sept. 16, 2011. “In the just-published 2012 rankings, the 250 or so American Catholic colleges and universities did well, especially in the liberal arts and regional universities categories.”

“The rent is too damn high,” Minnesota Daily, Sept. 18, 2011. “When Jimmy McMillan founded the ‘Rent Is Too Damn High’ party in New York, he was onto something.”

“Canadian Study Confirms Advantages of Homeschooling,” The New American, Sept. 19, 2011. “A recent Canadian study has confirmed what has been known for over two decades – much to the chagrin of public school officials: Homeschoolers perform better than public school students in the crucial core academic disciplines of reading and math.”

“Basketball blues; NBA lockout continues to limp along,” KARE 11, Sept. 19, 2011. “University of St. Thomas Professor John Wendt looks at all the professional league labor disputes, and he says things aren't looking good for NBA fans.”

“Students reminded of campus fire risks,” Pioneer Press, Sept. 20, 2011. “Since 2000, at least 143 people have died nationwide in fires on or near university or college campuses, according to the St. Paul Fire Department. More than 85 percent of those deaths occurred in buildings off-campus.”

“MN racial disparities in joblessness called shocking, alarming, bleak,” Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder, Sept. 21, 2011. “A 2010 Economic Policy Institute report pointed out that the Twin Cities’ Black unemployment rate is three times that of Whites – the highest Black-White jobless ratio in the nation.”

“St. Paul: Some question use of gang identification data,” Pioneer Press, Sept. 21, 2011. “With input from the community tonight, the Violent Crime Coordinating Council will begin developing new criteria for law enforcement agencies to identify gang members.”