Professional Notes


Professional notes

Father Jan Michael Joncas, Theology and Catholic Studies departments, is the author of a chapter, "An Anniversary song: Pope John Paul II's 2003 Chirograph for the Centenary of Tra le sollecitudini," in Music in Christian Worship: At the Service of the Liturgy edited by Charlotte Kroeker (Collegeville, Minn.: The Liturgical Press, 2005).

Wendell Nekoranec, a doctoral student in the Organization Development program, and Dr. Mitchell Kusy, Organization Learning and Development, have co-written an article, "Engaging Executives in Strategic Conversations: More Than a Random Event," to be published in the international journal Organization Development Practitioners. In it they document a three-stage strategic thinking conversation model to facilitate successful strategy formulation.

James Rogers, Center for Irish Studies, attended the national meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies April 13-17 at the University of Notre Dame. Rogers organized a panel, "Irish America at Midcentury," in which he presented a paper, "'The Land of Smiles and Surprises': 1950s American Travel Writing About Ireland." Rogers is president of ACIS' Midwest region.

Dr. Fred Zimmerman, School of Engineering, chaired a panel and made a presentation to the Business Law Institute, an arm of the Minnesota State Bar Association, on "Outsourcing: Are We Aware of Its Cost?" The presentation suggested that the current trends in outsourcing production and high-level resources is likely to continue at great cost to the rest of society. The significant role manufacturers that have played in providing good pay and high benefits has spilled over to benefit local economies in general. Improvement in U.S. education systems, the systematic reduction of overhead and stimulation of investment all will be necessary to stem further outsourcing in the future.