Plans for senior class gift, river outing, banquet and T-shirt announced

Plans for senior class gift, river outing, banquet and T-shirt announced

The University of St. Thomas Senior Class Gift Committee will begin sales for this year's "senior package" as well as senior class T-shirts, starting today, April 14, at the Box Office in Murray-Herrick Campus Center.

The Senior Package is "a la carte"; options include a riverboat outing, banquet, and a $5 donation to the senior class gift fund.

Senior T-shirts also will be available on a donation basis. The suggested $5 donation will go to the senior class gift.

The senior gift will be a donation to the new Anderson Student Center. The 2009 graduating seniors will help fund a leadership room in the new center. A plaque commemorating the class will be placed inside the leadership room.

The banquet will be held Thursday, April 23; the riverboat outing will be held Friday, May 1.

Seniors are asked present their St. Thomas ID when purchasing the package or T-shirt. Purchases can be made by cash, credit card or St. Thomas Express Account.

Box Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Special evening hours will be held from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, April 14 through 16.

Seniors also can also make donations to the class gift online at until the end of the school year.

If you have any questions, please contact Mark Pavlak at or Britney Bryant at